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- Name: Rowdy Theologian
- Location: The Bawdy Cloister, United States
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
"B" is for Bus...
and "B-List."
According to reports Una Nueva Esperanza is winding its way through Texas today. That's right all you Texans, come out and support the Democrats, they've sent.....a bus! No Kerry, no Edwards...they're busy in states that matter.
How is it that progressives in Texas, of all places, are expected to vote for John Kerry? A guy who voted to give Bush free license to invade Iraq...
I, for one, signed the peace pledge that Michael Moore had posted on his site before that vote, giving everyone in Congress, including Kerry and Edwards, fair warning, "YOU ARE EITHER WITH US OR YOU ARE FIRED! I pledge to never vote again for any Democratic candidate for public office who has voted in favor of George Bush's war in Iraq." Moore might break his own pledge, but Rowdy won't.
Conservatives win because of their stubborn resolve. When will progressives learn to stand for their values unflinchingly?
Bad, bad Michael Moore, no Twinkie.
According to reports Una Nueva Esperanza is winding its way through Texas today. That's right all you Texans, come out and support the Democrats, they've sent.....a bus! No Kerry, no Edwards...they're busy in states that matter.
How is it that progressives in Texas, of all places, are expected to vote for John Kerry? A guy who voted to give Bush free license to invade Iraq...
I, for one, signed the peace pledge that Michael Moore had posted on his site before that vote, giving everyone in Congress, including Kerry and Edwards, fair warning, "YOU ARE EITHER WITH US OR YOU ARE FIRED! I pledge to never vote again for any Democratic candidate for public office who has voted in favor of George Bush's war in Iraq." Moore might break his own pledge, but Rowdy won't.
Conservatives win because of their stubborn resolve. When will progressives learn to stand for their values unflinchingly?
Bad, bad Michael Moore, no Twinkie.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
It's Finished
The Reliquary is now housing all of the Cloister's precious artifacts. It took a few days, but what's the point of keeping this stuff if you can't share it with others?
Cat Stevens Deported

Cat Stevens: Deported from the United States after appearing on a government watch list.
What the fuck? Over.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
I hate moving. I didn't realize how many artifacts I had warehoused until I started moving them into The Reliquary. There's still more coming....
Monday, September 20, 2004
New Addition
It's been in the plans for months, and now The Bawdy Cloister's Reliquary is finally here! The displays are still a little sparse, but there is much more on the way as I bring the artifacts out of storage.
When I launched this site back in July, I tipped my hat to the Buddhist monk Ikkyu. He is of course the Father of Rowdy Theology. Best known for his love poetry, Ikkyu received much of his inspiration at brothels. Let's just say he got a lot of inspiration.
BUT DID YOU KNOW...that in Japan there's a children's animated series based on Ikkyu? Ikkyu-san aired during the late 70s and early 80s, and still runs today in syndication. Ikkyu truly is a role model for the ages.
BUT DID YOU KNOW...that in Japan there's a children's animated series based on Ikkyu? Ikkyu-san aired during the late 70s and early 80s, and still runs today in syndication. Ikkyu truly is a role model for the ages.

Sunday, September 19, 2004
In These Times

Garrison "Che" Keillor
I read quite a few magazines, but I only subscribe to two: Motorcycle Cruiser and In These Times. My father, Old Methodist Theologian, has from time to time heckled my choice in the latter. He's a Democrat, but still calls In These Times a fringe publication. It's a little "too out there" for his taste. Why? Probably because it harshly critiques Democrats as well as Republicans. It's not always a team player. So imagine my surprise this week when I received an email from my Dad that read, "You gotta read this." Attached was an In These Times article written by Garrison Keillor. Oh happy, happy day! Now if I can just get him to add The Internationale to the United Methodist hymnal.
Two Reasons Why I Drink TETCO Coffee
Reason #1: Veteran Approved
“As a veteran I normally don’t like to see the American flag used at businesses. But TETCO is an exception. Your flags are always pristine and Old Glory looks great flying high and large and in great shape.”
Customer Comment from
Reason #2: The Techron Advantage
"You demand a lot of your engine, whether you know it or not. And there’s no better way to reward it than with Techron....Lower emissions, higher performance and a cleaner engine...."
from The Techron Advantage
Sorry Starbucks. There's simply no competiton.

“As a veteran I normally don’t like to see the American flag used at businesses. But TETCO is an exception. Your flags are always pristine and Old Glory looks great flying high and large and in great shape.”
Customer Comment from
Reason #2: The Techron Advantage

"You demand a lot of your engine, whether you know it or not. And there’s no better way to reward it than with Techron....Lower emissions, higher performance and a cleaner engine...."
from The Techron Advantage
Sorry Starbucks. There's simply no competiton.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Florida Supreme Court Keeps Nader on Ballot, Ruling 6-1
"In the absence of more specific statutory criteria or guidance from the Legislature, we are unable to conclude that a statutory violation occurred," from Friday's majority opinion.
Justice Harry Lee Anstead dissented.
Justice Harry Lee Anstead dissented.
Peanuts Quiz
I'm mooching quizzes from McPan's blog again. What can I say?
You are Rerun!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Rerun!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yuppie TV Update

PBS announced that with the exit of Bill Moyers from Now, that the progressive news hour will be cut down to 30 minutes. David Brancaccio, a more politically tepid personality than Moyers, will host the new Now light. Meanwhile, PBS is debuting The Journal Editorial Report tonight which features conservative writers and editors from The Wall Street Journal. Thank God we still have Amy Goodman and Democracy Now.
Best of luck to Bill Moyers! For more information on PBS's recent "balancing" act, check out this article from FAIR.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Tip O'Neill for the Pizza
My friend J.Go from college sent me an article today from The Post, Ohio University's student run newspaper. I hadn't read The Post in years. The gist of the article is that the price for a slice of pizza has gone up from $1.50 to $1.75 because of cheese costs and how this will wreak havoc on the local economy.
Reading the article reminded me of Tip O'Neill's famous insight that "All politics is local." I suddenly realized how disproportionately I read national news stories over local stories. So in an attempt to cure this, I've collected news sites to locales of particular interest to me and placed them on my sidebar.
And please, take this opportunity to write your Congressmen and ask them how they intend to rein in the skyrocketing cost of cheese.
Reading the article reminded me of Tip O'Neill's famous insight that "All politics is local." I suddenly realized how disproportionately I read national news stories over local stories. So in an attempt to cure this, I've collected news sites to locales of particular interest to me and placed them on my sidebar.
And please, take this opportunity to write your Congressmen and ask them how they intend to rein in the skyrocketing cost of cheese.
Mustard: God's Condiment

How is it that the 2004 U.S. presidential election has devolved into a battle of ketchups? Both major parties exalt their brand, and again demonstrate to the world that Republicans and Democrats offer nothing but a choice between two evils. That's right, ketchup is evil. It is a condiment made from the tomato, the demonic fruit denounced by the Church when it concluded that, "[T]omatoes, if not rooted out, could lead to a breakdown of law and order, including an outbreak of marijuana cultivation."
In 2000, some misguided souls disagreed and took the Church to court in order to plant tomatoes on a family member's gravesite. The worldly judge disregarded the Church's argument and ruled for the plaintiffs, an act of utter hubris. By 2003, the "breakdown of law and order" had begun with the tomato-related death of 23 year old Steven Keim.
We should take time this campaign season to reflect on our nation's sinful devotion to ketchup. We ought to consider why followers of the blasphemous Cult of Chuu so frequently present offerings of ketchup to their idols and allude to ketchup in their heretical blessings.
On the other hand, ask why the Bible is void of ketchup. Indeed ketchup is sacrilege.
Let us also reflect on Christ's penchant for mustard. The New Testament repeats the parable of the mustard seed three times in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. ( John was stranded on the island of Patmos and must not have received the message.) In the parable, Jesus compares mustard to the Kingdom of God! How far have we strayed as a nation when our leaders offer us only the fruit that is thrown as a show of ridicule? God demands mustard. Who will you follow on Election Day?

This Rowdy commentary brought to you by Mustard Lovers for Nader who remind you that, "Revolutionaries always spoil corrupt systems."
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Catherine Bach, the original Daisy Duke
Whose knuckleheaded idea was it to cast Jessica Simpson as Daisy in the Dukes of Hazzard movie?

Jessica Simpson= Wrong Choice

Gretchen Wilson=Rowdy's Choice
I'm a George McCrae Baby!

George McCrae's Rock Your Baby was #1 on the U.S. music charts on the day I was born.
Find out who was topping the charts on your birthday here.
Monday, September 13, 2004
History and a Picnic

Camp Verde Monument

The only known picture of a U.S. Army Camel (Credit: Chris Emmett, Texas Camel Tales, 1932).
This weekend Mrs. Theologian and I headed back to one of our favorite picnic spots, located in Camp Verde, Texas. There's not much left of the place. It was home to the U.S. Army Camel Corps way back when. And according to J. Marvin Hunter's history of the place, Gen. Johnson launched his expedition against the Mormons in Utah from here in 1857. Today there's only the old general store/post office still standing (about a mile down the street from the ruins of the fort itself.) Also nearby is Bandera Pass, site of one of the bloodiest Indian attacks on Texas Rangers in Hill Country history. Don't worry the Indians are gone now, but so are the camels.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Rowdy's One-Line Book Review
|Thursday, September 02, 2004
Anybody but Bush=Nobody but Kerry?

The opinion was announced today, no Ralph Nader on the Texas ballot. Do Texas Democrats really believe Kerry can win their state's electoral votes? If so, I want what they're smoking. I would have thought in a Republican stronghold such as this that progressives would feel free to vote their conscience. Oh well, guess we'll just have to write him in. For the full court opinion go here, for analysis go here, to donate go here.