Thursday, September 23, 2004

"B" is for Bus...

and "B-List."
According to reports Una Nueva Esperanza is winding its way through Texas today. That's right all you Texans, come out and support the Democrats, they've sent.....a bus! No Kerry, no Edwards...they're busy in states that matter.
How is it that progressives in Texas, of all places, are expected to vote for John Kerry? A guy who voted to give Bush free license to invade Iraq...
I, for one, signed the peace pledge that Michael Moore had posted on his site before that vote, giving everyone in Congress, including Kerry and Edwards, fair warning, "YOU ARE EITHER WITH US OR YOU ARE FIRED! I pledge to never vote again for any Democratic candidate for public office who has voted in favor of George Bush's war in Iraq." Moore might break his own pledge, but Rowdy won't.
Conservatives win because of their stubborn resolve. When will progressives learn to stand for their values unflinchingly?
Bad, bad Michael Moore, no Twinkie.

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