Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Will Call

UPS never did deliver my computer the other day. The online tracker told me it was out for delivery, and the folks on the phone said they delivered "into the evening," an ambiguous term that I was later told meant "until 9 or 9:30." So at 10pm I hopped into my trusty Computer Rescuemobile and raced to the UPS truck dispatch myself and got the goods.

So I was up much later than I wanted to be connecting, registering, troubleshooting and all so I could use it at work the next day. Never even had time to play with the fun stuff till last stuff meaning hooking up the sound card to my super pimp 7.1 speaker system. Finally today I completed the last of the hookups, I had to get a splitter and an extra cable cord, so now the digital TV recorder is working too. Yeah me.

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