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- Name: Rowdy Theologian
- Location: The Bawdy Cloister, United States
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Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Rowdy's Reno Review
I just finished watching Waking Up in Reno and all I can say is "Wow!"
I discovered the film last week after returning from Amarillo, Texas and learning that our driver, Hody, had a bit part in the film.
But more on him in a minute....
Part of the film takes place in Amarillo, Texas. There Billy Bob Thorton's character undertakes the Free 72 oz. Steak Challenge at The Big Texan. I too visited The Big Texan, but did not attempt the challenge--I had a four hour horseback ride scheduled for the next afternoon and I simply wanted to avoid a catastrophe. So I did the next best thing, I had the wife take a picture of me acting like I was taking the challenge... if I couldn't relate to the film enough already, the director included Pabst Blue Ribbon in almost every scene. For those of you who know me, that's my beer of choice...and the key to my heart. Further, Charlize Theron's character had an uncanny fascination with midgets that I found quite endearing.
But it's Hody's acting skill that truly makes this film a classic. His is perhaps the most underrated performance out of Hollywood since David Letterman portrayed the Old Salt in Fishing Village in Cabin Boy.