Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Thursday!

Happy happy day...just ordered my new laptop so I'll finally be able to blog on the road. Don't hold your breath though, delivery is still several weeks away. This is what I got...this is what I had.

My old laptop served me well. We've spent many years together. (Not just a few years, many years, like seven!) It served its purpose, as a word processor mostly. I had it online back in the day of dial-up. Oh, the memories...

I'll never forget the month in Japan we racked up a $450 phone bill together. Back then you paid by the minute to connect to your local phone line, and I spent plenty of minutes waiting for animations to load. Today they load almost instantly, but back in 1999 it took a while, long enough to drink a beer and build anticipation. It would finally load, my friends and I would gather around the screen to watch, get a laugh, get another beer, and repeat. Those too were happy days.

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