Thursday, April 28, 2005


This afternoon I found myself working in downtown Goliad, Texas. It's your typical, small town Texas kind of place....

It's a little over two hours drive from San Antonio. The court house was recently renovated and is downright gorgeous...despite it's surly past....

Out front of the court house sits an historic oak, known as "The Hanging Tree." The name speaks for itself, but if you'd like to see the details in brief look here.

So this afternoon on my lunch break, sitting under The Hanging Tree, in the mean, dry and dusty streets of Goliad, Texas...all the sudden the chimes of the court house began to ring. No, they weren't simply chiming out the time, they were playing a song. The entire song, for three whole minutes, at 12:20 this afternoon....I heard (along with everyone else in a ten block radius) the chimes ring out the old John Denver standard Sunshine on my Shoulders.

I am very, very confused.

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