Friday, February 04, 2005

Behind the Music: Rowdy Theologian

A little known fact about me, that I'm only revealing because I'm under duress, is that I used to play the tuba. See...I still have my mouthpiece.

But why is the monkey sad? Well, my tuba playing days only lasted a semester.

You see, Mom is the one who forced me into band to begin with, I hated band. Half way through the school year we moved to a new city, and as fate would have it, Dad took me to register for classes at my new school.

Counselor: Are you in band?

Rowdy: Yes, but I don't want to be.

Dad: Really?

Rowdy: I hate band.

Dad: I never cared much for your music practice in the house anyway, always sounded like you were strangling a Moose in your room.

Rowdy: So I don't have to stay in band?

Dad: How about Wood Shop?

To this day Mom hasn't forgiven Dad for that, but I am forever grateful.

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