Thursday, November 25, 2004

Net-Flix A-Gone-Gone

You may have noticed I quit posting my list of movies rented each month. I cancelled my subscription after getting my new job. However, I occassionally still run to the store and grab a DVD on weekends.

I just finished watching a movie I've been meaning to see for 5 years. I was reminded of it this afternoon while writing about ABC's World News Now (see previous post.)

Back in 1999, Juju & Anderson had a frequent guest on the show, ABC's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. That year I read his book, A Vast Conspiracy. The book is a 400+ page narrative of the Clinton/Lewinsky saga with colorful chapter titles like, "Draw the Penis for Me," and "Mr. Genitalia and the Perjury Ladies." Anyway, in it Toobin mentions that Paula Jone's husband, Steve Jones was a struggling actor, most noted for his role as the Ghost of Elvis in the film Mystery Train.

Shortly after reading the book, I ordered a VHS copy of the movie from and had it sent to my parents home (Since I was moving shortly it would be less to pack.) So a couple of months later I get home, pop in the movie, and nothing. It was blank...just static. I didn't bother trying to return it since it had been a few months since I ordered it. Time passed and I never bothered to track down another copy. Until tonight.

Was it worth the wait?

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