Sunday, October 03, 2004

The Rest of the Story...

It's sad how poor the press coverage was for the march yesterday from Arlington National Cemetery to the White House. Among the participants were the grandson of Gandhi, Lila Lipscomb (the mother who lost her son featured in Fahrenheit 9/11), and Nick Berg's father. Ultimately, 28 people (out of some 300) were arrested for, as most reports put it, "Charging over a barrier protecting the White House."
That's not quite how it went down. Not mentioned was how friendly the police were. According to a friend of mine who witnessed everything, the police told the protesters, "Once you climb the fence, we'll have you sit on the ground, we'll warn you three times to return, then you'll be arrested." Some of the protesters actually had problems getting over the fence and the police helped them so they wouldn't get hurt. The whole charging episode was benign and pretty well orchestrated.
Among the arrested was Nick Berg's dad.

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