Saturday, October 30, 2004

Hurray for Early Voters

I went to vote yesterday and it did me proud to wait in line for 45 minutes. This was the first election in recent memory that I actually had to wait. Kudos to Texas for having early voting, here you can vote any day two weeks prior to the election, according to the Bexar County Clerk, over 250,000 votes have already been cast in San Antonio.
Nonetheless I had a couple of concerns. Nearly half of the candidates on my ballot were running uncontested. I voted for none of them, no matter their party affiliation, because elections are supposed to be choices.
My second concern dealt with the write-in system on the e-ballot. There were several certified write-ins and you were supposed to type in the names of president and vice president like this, "Natalie Merchant/Michael Stipe". The problem was there was no "/" on the touchscreen keyboard.
Anyway, I think I voted. At least I got a sticker that says I did.

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