Saturday, August 07, 2004

Ten Magnet Commandments

Sample of Rowdy's Magnets


Event Magnet
Magnet depicting a special event (ex. Exhibition, Sporting event.)
Location Magnet
Magnet depicting a specific location (ex. Museum, Park, City.)
State Magnet
Magnet depicting large geographical area (ex. State, Country.)
Commercial Magnet
Magnet advertising a business.
Miscellaneous Magnet
Magnet that does not fall under another definition.


  1. Magnet must be purchased on site at time of visit.

  2. Preference should be given to magnets produced locally.

  3. Preference should be given to magnets that are tacky and garish. This Commandment is subordinate to Commandment II.

  4. If magnets are unavailable at a location, one may be handmade with materials acquired at the location.

  5. A visit requires both Rowdy and Mrs. Theologian. Magnets acquired on a trip taken individually must be segregated from other magnets when displayed.

  6. A visit requires a return home. So a trip from the Cloister to Washington, D.C. for 2 days, then 3 days in Baltimore, back to D.C. for 4 days and back to the Cloister is considered 1 visit to Washington and 1 visit to Baltimore.

  7. Only one magnet of each type may be purchased per visit. So, for example, if during a visit to Washington, D.C., I make two trips to the Air and Space Museum and one trip to the White House, I could buy 1 D.C. magnet, 1 Museum magnet, 1 White House magnet, and any number or specific event magnets should there be exhibitions at the museum, but limited 1 per exhibition. Even though I visit the Air and Space Museum twice, it is still considered one visit per Commandment II.

  8. State magnets require a minimum stay of 24 consecutive hours in the state. That means no Oregon magnet for a 3 hour layover in Portland.

  9. Commercial magnets require having been a customer of advertised business at least once.

  10. Miscellaneous magnets are exempt from Commandment V. However, miscellaneous magnets are to be segregated from other magnets when displayed.

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